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Art Advisory
플랫폼에이는 개인 컬렉터, 기업, 기관을 대상으로 국내외 예술품 구매 및 판매 자문, 컬렉션 관리 그리고 국내외 경매 대행 서비스를 제공합니다.
Platform A provides art advisory services for the purchase and sale of domestic and international artworks, collection management, and auction representation for individual collectors, corporations, and institutions.

금민정 : 흐르는데이터, 감지된 자연 | Flowing data, Sensed Nature
Art Curating & Marketing > Exhibition

한폴수교 35주년 폴란드 한국문화행사 | The 35th Anniversary of Korea-Poland Diplomatic Relations Korean Cultural Event
Media Promotion > PR

공간서사, 주폴란드한국문화원 | Space Narrative, Korean Cultural Center in Poland
Media Promotion > Exhibition

플랫폼엘, 미술시장 강의 | Art Collection Guide
Art Advisory > Lecture

요괴 사회 | Monster Society
Art Curating & Marketing > Exhibition

대전예술의전당, 현명한 아트컬렉터를 위한 아트테크 기술 | Art Investment Strategies for the Savvy Art Collector
Art Advisory > Lecture

이우재 : 전이공간 轉移空間 | On Liminal Space
Art Curating & Marketing > Exhibition

Working With the Best Clients and Partners
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